2018Tolmie State Park Olympia Wa | Travel Washington
Tolmie State Park is one of the lesser known state park in Washington State, located south of Seattle and Tacoma, near the more famous Nisqually wildlife reserve. Nothing advances or exotic here, but it’s a little park that holds its own and offer enough features to satisfy most weekenders who look for a lush evergreen forest slash serene classic Pacific Northwest beachfront to stroll, and it’s perfect for families with children and pets to spend a good half, or a whole day on.
2018Walking Around Bangkok By The Chao Phraya River In the Early Morning | Thailand
Arriving Bangkok pretty late, or rather, pretty early; by the time I reach the hotel (Centre Point Hotel Silom), its already around 3 am, so it depends on how you look at it.
I knew my arriving time, so I have decided not to pay for the night I don’t really use, instead, I will rest in the hotel in the wee hour upon arrival and hang out around the city until check in time. Being a cheapskate that I am, I thought this was a fantastic idea. Come on, I saved a day!
Thank God the hotel is very accommodating with the idea, they took my luggage, store it safely, and led me to their 4th floor lobby and let me sleep there, customer service is first class, a great start in Bangkok.
2018Flying From Seattle To Bangkok, The beginning of a journey
It‘s a trip to Thailand! It’s a trip to Thailand! Indeed it was, It was very last minute as well, at first it was just going to Malaysia, which is my hometown, to take care of some business, but Thailand was added to it at the very last moment, maybe like a week before take off, it really is a why not thing, and I never been to Thailand, and I have always wanted to see Thailand, so, it makes sense. All airfare has to be changed, abruptly, and I have to figure out logistic and logging in a hurry, it’s a hustle, but it’s also super exciting, come on, its Thailand, how can you not be excited??
2018Century Eggs (皮蛋) | Ingredients | Food
Century eggs, or 100-year egg, or 1000-year egg, is a Chinese preserved egg call 皮蛋 (PiDan). It can be eaten just like that or used in a number of Chinese cuisine and recipes. Although in theory it can be made from any kind of egg, it is usually made with chicken, duck or quail eggs. I would love to see one made with ostrich egg, that would be something.
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